Sunday, October 7, 2012

Crayon Melting

You may have seen people selling crayon art on Etsy, but it is very easy to do. This would make a great birthday present because you can customize it and only takes about half an hour to make. I put my crayon art inside a binder, but you can also put it on foam board or something sturdy and hang it in your room.

Paper or foamboard
Blow dryer

1: Peel any paper or wrapping off of the crayon.
2: Place your crayons in the desired design and superglue it down. You might need to tape down some of the crayons if they are still loose.
3: When all your crayons are secure, lay the newspaper down to prevent a mess. Then turn on your blowdryer and make sure the air is hot. Because I used paper, I had to hold it against a wall to keep it from blowing away. Crayon splatter WILL get onto the wall, so make sure you will be able to clean it off later.
4: Aim the blow dryer at the bottom crayons until they begin to melt. This takes about a minute or two, and the wax will begin to drip down.
5: When you are satisfied with the design, allow it to cool. This does not take very long, and then you can place it in a binder or hang it in your room.

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